We value your feedback
We value your thoughts, feelings and opinions regarding the delivery of our service. We will proactively seek solicited and unsolicited feedback from you and your significant others at various points during service delivery, to ensure that services are meeting your needs.
We will ensure that your feedback, including compliments, complaints and suggestions are handled courteously, professional and in a timely manner in all instances and that feedback contributes to continuous improvement opportunities for Spectrum Therapy WA services. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and can be submitted (at any time) in person or via email at feedback@spectrumtherapywa.com.au.
If you do not feel comfortable sharing your feedback with Spectrum Therapy WA directly, you can contact one of the following agencies:
- National Disability Insurance Scheme on 1800 800 110
- Medicare on 1800 132 468
- The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office on (08) 6551 7600 or 1800 813 583 or https://www.hadsco.wa.gov.au/complaints/
- The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency on 1300 419 495 or visit their website www.ahpra.gov.au
- Speech Pathology Australia on 1300 368 835 or +61 3 9642 4899 or visit their website https://www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
You can choose a support person to assist you with your complaint or feedback. This person can be a friend, family member, staff member or an advocate from another organisation. The below are some of the advocacy services available to assist you with a complaint.
Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO)
Phone: (08) 6551 7600 or 1800 813 583
Email: mail@hadsco.wa.gov.au
Website: www.hadsco.wa.gov.au
Western Australia Consumer Protection
Phone: (08) 6552 9596 or 1300 304 054
Email: consumer@dmirs.wa.gov.au
Website: www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection
Commonwealth Ombudsman
Email: ombudsman@ombudson.gov.au
Website: www.ombudsman.gov.au
Department of Communities
Phone: (08) 6217 6888 or 1800 176 888
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
Phone: 1300 419 495
Website: www.ahpra.gov.au
People with Disabilities WA Inc.
Phone: (08) 9485 8900 or 1800 193 331
National Relay Service
Phone: 133 677
Email: info@pwdwa.org
Website: www.pwdwa.org
Individual Disability Advocacy Services (IDAS)
Phone:1300 648 655
TTY: (08) 9470 2831
Email: idas@sscls.asn.au
Website: www.sscls.asn.au
Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre Inc. (EDAC)
Phone: (08) 9388 7455 or 1800 659 921
Email: admin@edac.org.au
Website: www.edac.org.au
Complaints Resolution and Referral Service Abuse and Neglect Hotline (Disability Employment Service Complaint Hotline)
Phone: 1800 880 052